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Cloud Collaboration

March 23, 2015

Created by Carole using Google Drawing. Cloud-based collaboration options, whether on-campus or around the world. What is the cloud? Generally, cloud computing is an online [...]

Resources to Flip Your Classroom

February 19, 2015

Photo Credit: Hiddenpower via Compfight cc Recently, I’ve had a lot of questions about how to go about flipping a class. My response always is “what are [...]

Voice Over PowerPoint

February 2, 2015

Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting with Professor Kalinoski’s SPAN 330 class to share how to create a voice over PowerPoint. Although I have seen voice over [...]

Email Spam Filtering

November 6, 2014

As with any new spam filtering system, a learning curve will take place where the system needs to “learn” what is spam and what is legitimate.  There are 3 ways spam [...]

RCRC Software

September 22, 2014

IT is providing as many software titles and licenses as possible via RCRC. We feel it is a great resource for students so they can access software and work on projects from [...]

Summer Technology Upgrades 2014

September 18, 2014

Summer is when most technology upgrades can be done. This summer Roanoke College accomplished the following major projects: Upgraded network equipment in academic and other [...]
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